Tuk to the Road

The trials and tukulations of Jo, Ants and Ting Tong the tuk tuk and our three-wheeled odyssey from Bangkok to Brighton...in aid of the mental health charity Mind. For more information please see www.tuktotheroad.com

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The most wanted woman in Brighton

Kelling, Norfolk, UK

The media is a funny beast. When Jo and I got back from our trip we approached every TV programme, paper and magazine we thought might be interested in our story. The majority turned round and said, in the generically camp voice of the media, 'Sorry, its not our thing'. A month later Jo does an interview with Barcroft Media, an agency who sell features to New, Closer, Reveal et al. Little did she know what would come next.

On Sunday morning Jo rushed in to my room to wake me up, brandishing a copy of everyone's favourite red top, the News and Screws. There on the centre pages were Jo and Ting Tong and the revoltingly sensationalist headline 'I slashed myself a thousand times to make myself feel better'.

The next day Jo was bombared with calls from the same TV programmes and magazines that had say nay a few weeks ago, when the only story was our tukathon. So now Jo is in the process of signing exclusive contracts involving substantial donations to Mind, which is wonderful, and tomorrow morning will be sharing the sofa with Fearne and Phil on This Morning.

So everybody tune in to ITV in the morning to see our very own Jo.

Apart from that, things are hotting up in the getting a book published stakes. We've now got interest from several companies. And I'm beginning to get my head straight and get out there and try to find a job. I still miss the excitement and noise of the road, but who wouldn't.

Don't forget to watch This Morning tomorrow.

More news and schnews soon xx Ants


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